Home > Tool (A Step Brother Romance #2)(50)

Tool (A Step Brother Romance #2)(50)
Author: Sabrina Paige

Gaige laughs.  "It's the beer and the weather and shit," he says.  "Warm summer night, the city, I don't know.  I'm a little buzzed, but I'm a total buzzkill, yeah?"

I punch him on the arm, and he gropes my ass over my dress, but I squeal and jump away.  "I just didn't know you were so damn sappy," I say.   "One minute you're telling me to drop my panties and the next you're talking about fairy tales and shit."

Gaige takes me by the hand and pulls me down the nearest side street, deserted and dimly lit except for one entrance to a hotel that I recognize as a love hotel.  I giggle.  "Are you going to take me to a love hotel?"

He pushes me up against the wall of one of the buildings, his hand running up my thigh.  "Sappy, huh?  Is that what I am now?" he asks.  "No idea what a love hotel is, but I've got half a mind to put my cock into that smart mouth of yours right out here."

"It's – " I'm about to tell him it's a sex hotel, but he stops me by covering my mouth with his.  My body responds immediately to his touch, and I moan as he runs his hands up my hips and underneath my skirt.

A Japanese couple enters the street, a few yards away, and a woman giggles when she sees us.  I push Gaige back, smoothing my skirt.  "Shit, let's get out of here."

As we walk back in the direction of the hotel, Gaige grabs my hand and I don't push it away or let it go.  It feels nice.  It feels comfortable.  When we pass a sign outside the entrance to one of the hotels that advertises a bar on one of the upper floors with live jazz and a view of the city, Gaige pulls at my arm.  "Let's go inside."

"Don't you want to go back to the hotel?"

He slides his hand over my lower back, and navigates me inside.  His touch, at once comforting and possessive, sends a shiver up my spine.  Behind me, he speaks low into my ear.  "Not yet," he says.

Inside the bar, we stand next to a floor-to-ceiling window overlooking the lights of the city.  I turn to him.  "You're not trying to avoid sleeping with me, are you?"

Gaige chokes on his drink.  "You're kidding, right?"

"We're just – I mean," I stammer, feeling stupid for even saying anything.  "Because if you wanted to stop this, it's okay."

Gaige's hand is on my waist.  "Do you want to stop this?"

"No," I say.  But my voice catches in my throat.  I should want to stop this; that would be the smart choice.  I'm a person who makes smart choices.  I don't make reckless ones.  And Gaige is reckless.  I find myself throwing caution to the wind when I'm with him, doing things I wouldn't normally do.

He pulls me against him, his arm snaking around to the small of my back, and I can feel his hardness pressing against my leg.  "Does that answer your question?"

Heat rushes between my legs at the sensation.  "Yes," I say, choking on the word.

"Good," he says.  "Because I want your panties."

"Excuse me?"

"You heard me," he says, his voice low in my ear.  "You apparently think that just because I'm interested in talking to you and listening to what the hell you have to say, that it means I don't want to put my cock in that sweet pussy of yours just as soon as I get you alone.  So I want you to be ready for me, in case I want to bend you over and fuck you on the way back to the hotel."

I laugh nervously, but lean closer to him.  The heat from his body radiates through my dress and it makes me want more.  "I'll go to the restroom and take them off for you."

"Take them off right here," Gaige says, his hand sliding up to the middle of my back.  He pins me firmly against him.  Then he looks to the side, and takes a sip of his drink as if we're casually discussing the weather and not my removing my panties in the middle of a very crowded, very public, very classy place.

"There are a million people around," I say.  "I refuse."

He spins me around, but instead of his hand on the small of my back, guiding me gently, he threads his fingers through the hair at the nape of my neck.  He steers me through the crowd, leading me by my hair, and talking to me the entire time.  "You're going to slip your hands up under your skirt and take your panties off right here in this bar, and then you're going to hand them to me.  Because I asked you to."

Gaige stops at the bar as we pass it, taking my glass from my hand and setting both glasses down before leading me to a dimly-lit corner.  There, he stands in front of me, his body only partially shielding me from view, leaning with his forearm on the wall over my head.

My eyes never leave his as I sneak my hand up one side of my skirt, yanking down the edge of my thong, and then do the same with the other side, shimmying as my panties slide down my thighs and drop to the floor around my ankles.

He's making you reckless, I think.  The rational part of me nags at my thoughts.  He's making you reckless and reckless is not good.

Gaige sinks to the floor at my feet, picking up the panties in his hand and slipping them into his pocket.  "Good girl," he says.  He traces a finger down my neckline and between my cleavage.  "Now, tell me we're close to the hotel, because if we're not, I'm going to have to fuck you right here in the middle of this bar."

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