Home > Falling (Fading #3)(130)

Falling (Fading #3)(130)
Author: E.K. Blair

“What are you guys doing?” Jase asks as they walk over to us.

Candace holds out the binoculars and tells him, “There are puffins out on that big rock.”

“Give me those,” Mark says as he snatches the binoculars out of Jase’s hands and starts searching for the birds. “There they are,” he mumbles before telling Jase, “We should totally get one.”

Candace laughs while Jase says, “Dude, it’s a bird.”

Handing the binoculars back to Jase, he says, “They look like penguins. Haven’t you ever wanted a penguin for a pet?”

I can’t control my laughter as I watch the two of them.

“No,” Jase answers in exasperation. “Who even thinks like that?”

“I do. People have that shit for pets.”


“I dunno, just . . . people. I’ve seen it on TV,” is Mark’s pitiful explanation as the three of us laugh at him. He turns to Candace and tries to get her to back him when he says, “Why are you laughing? You once told me you wanted a pig for a pet.”

“What?” I question through a burst of laughter.

Turning to me with narrowed eyes, she defends, “Not like a gross barn pig. A domesticated micro pig.”

“What the hell is that, babe?”

“They’re these tiny little pink pigs. They say they’re cleaner and smarter than a dog. You can even litter train them.”

She says this in complete seriousness, and she looks adorable doing it, but that doesn’t stop Jase and I from laughing at her and Mark for their choice in pets.

Slapping my arm, she scolds, “Stop laughing at me,” with a hint of a smile.

“Just so you know, we’re not getting a pig.”

“You don’t even know what they are. You’ve never even seen one.”

Looking over at Jase for support, I call out to him, “Dude, Jase, are you hearing this?”

“It makes more sense to get a pig than Mark’s desire to snatch up a wild bird just because he’s thinks they’re cute,” he says with a chuckle while shaking his head.

“Hey, guys,” Tori announces as she walks out with Bailey on her hip, and Connor runs around her, straight to me.

Squatting down, I give him a big hug, as I say, “Hey, buddy. When did you guys get here?”

“Just now.”

Picking him up in my arms, I watch as my mom follows Tori and Bailey, who just turned two, out to the rest of us.

“Candace, it’s so good to see you again,” she says as she gives her a one-armed hug while still holding Bailey.

“Can you say, ‘Hi, Candace’?” Tori asks of Bailey, but all Candace gets in return is a ‘hi’ followed by babble.

The two of them laugh as Tori says to Bailey, “We’re just gonna have to change her name, huh? Something a little more simple.”

Looking at Candace, I tell her, “Don’t worry. She can’t even say my name.” Setting Connor down, I reach over and take Bailey, as she says, “Wy-wy!”

“See? I’m Wy-wy,” I say to Candace as I keep my eyes on Bailey.

“Tori, these are my friends, Jase and Mark,” Candace introduces as they all hug and greet each other.

“Where’s Trevor?” I ask.

“I’m here,” he hollers as he walks out. “Had to unload the bags.”

“Hey, man,” I say when he gets closer. “You remember Candace, right?”

“How could I forget?” he says before giving her a hug.

Everybody meets Mark and Jase and spends a good amount of time playing with the kids before Candace and I take Connor down the beach a little ways to show him the puffins. I watch as she is on her knees behind Connor, helping him with the binoculars as he looks through them. She’s relaxed and happy. I love that I could give this to her. This bond of a family we are beginning to form with not only my family, but with her friends as well. It’s only because of Candace that I have this right now. She’s the one who showed me what it was to open up. To connect to others. That I was capable of having meaningful relationships. And since having her in my life, my relationships with Tori and Max have grown to a new level, allowing for an even deeper friendship than before.

The shift that life has taken is one that I never would have expected, but one that I would never change as I watch her and then look down the beach to see Mark and Jase making a sand hill with Bailey and Tori while my mom and Trevor sit back and talk. And when Candace looks up at me with her beautiful smile, I know I have everything I could ever want.

Mark has taken a keen liking to Bailey over the past couple of days, which Tori has appreciated since he pretty much has taken Bailey off of her hands, giving her a much-needed break. She and Candace spent a couple of hours yesterday shopping at The Landing while the rest of us played outside with the kids on the beach. This time of year the weather is nice, so we take advantage and ditch the indoors.

On the Fourth, we take the kids down to the local parade in the morning and then over to Seaside later that night, for fireworks. We’ve had a good visit, and it was needed in more ways than one.

When I wake up the next morning, Candace isn’t in bed with me, so I slip my pajama pants over my boxers and head downstairs to find her. The house is quiet with everyone still asleep, and when I walk through the living room, I look out the windows to see Candace sitting alone, down by the water.

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